Best Tips to Care and Maintain Outdoor Chairs’ Durability


Since outdoor chairs will be placed outside the house for a long period of time, they need proper maintenance. Weather such as rain and heat could decrease the furniture’s durability. Therefore, you should use the proper technique in order to make your chairs last for a long time. You might want to leave your outdoor furniture in the backyard or deck all the time. By doing that, you can use them whenever you want, yet leaving the furniture outdoors without any protection or proper care will fasten the damage.

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The best weather to display your favorite outdoor chairs is on a cloudy day, when the sunlight is not that hot. Put your furniture in the outdoor space and enjoy your leisure time with a glass of iced tea or maybe some fine wine.

To get the perfect leisure time outdoors, make sure to check on the weather forecast update daily. You may prepare some extra plans to protect your outdoor chairs as well as yourself.

Prepare some covers to put on the chairs whenever you do not use them. Do not forget to wipe all the moisture before putting the cover on. Better to have covers that use materials which can avoid any damaging factors such as molds.

When you put the cover on, do not place any objects on top of it. Extra pressure by placing some objects on top of the covers give more protection since people believe nothing will get inside the covered outdoor chairs. However, this action will trap the moisture and leave marks on your chairs.

Furniture, whether it is for indoor or outdoor space, is made by various kinds of materials. Each material needs different treatments, it is important to know more about your furniture. For maintaining the outdoor chairs’ durability, here are some tips on how to care for them based on the furniture’s materials. .

Metal outdoor chairs

Some people prefer to buy metal like, aluminium outdoor chairs, instead of any other materials. This kind of furniture brings a minimalist yet elegant vibe that is suitable for many kinds of house design.

Besides the vibe, metal furniture is considered as a sturdy kind of furniture and does not need any specific care. Aluminium chairs are lightweight so you can move them easily and able to stand extreme temperatures such as heat and cold.

Metal is indeed durable but it still needs some treatments to maintain its durability. Scuff marks and corrosion are the biggest enemies for metal furniture’s enthusiast. Incorrect treatment and storing will make this kind of furniture rapidly damaged.

To clean up your metal outdoor chairs, you can rely on soap, warm water, and a rag. Mix the soap and some warm weather into a spraying bottle. Spray some of the mixture and wipe it with a clean rag.

Make sure all the liquid is wiped off so it will not leave stains and discoloration. Rub it gently, rinse, and pat it dry. Do not place or store the metal furniture near the water access to prevent it from corrosion.

Wood outdoor chairs

Wood is still the most favorite one among the other materials. There are many outdoor furniture made from various kinds of wood. You can find many types of wood outdoor chairs from the classic till the foldable ones.

Teak and eucalyptus are types of wood that are usually used as outdoor furniture materials since they have thick and sturdy structure as well as are durable. Even though these woods are durable, since they are natural materials, they will be affected by nature.

Just like in forest for example, woods will gradually be broken by natural causes such as snow, water, and any natural damaging factors. However, to maintain your wood outdoor chairs you just need to do some simple treatments.

Use a damp cloth to wipe the dirt on the wood instead of wet or dry cloth. For some thick stains, you can use a PH-neutral soap that is mixed together with warm water. Dip a cloth on the mixture and gently rub the stains.

Rinse them well and place the wood outdoor chairs under the sunlight and let it dry for a while. If you do not want to leave your chairs for a long time, then use dry cloth to wring out the liquid.

Make sure to place your furniture on a dry surface like a deck instead of muddy surface or fresh grass. The water will create cracking on your wood made furniture, if you put them on the grass surface or even near the water area like a pool.

Mildew will appear if the wood or cushion fabric is getting too much moisture. That is the reason why you should make your wood furniture and the cushion always dry. Make sure to soak up any spill or water to avoid the mildew.

Check on your wood furniture, is there any soggy object like leaves or wet branches. Throw them immediately so the water will not remain on your outdoor chairs. Store the furniture when it is dry and make sure your storage room has a good air circulation.

Rattan chairs

Another material that is commonly used for outdoor chairs is rattan. This kind of furniture has a unique design and is lightweight, making it easy to move and store.

Instead of natural rattan, synthetic rattan is used for outdoor chairs since it’s more durable. You don’t need to worry since this kind of material is water resistant.

Besides durability, outdoor chairs made by synthetic rattan are easily maintained. You just need a proper treatment once or twice a year to maintain their look. Use a fairly stiff brush to remove the stain like mud on your chairs. Then put a soft brush into your vacuum cleaner to clean the residual such as dust or dirt.

Clean your outdoor chairs using a lukewarm and detergent mixture. Use a soft sponge and rub it on your chairs. Soak them for 1-2 minutes then rinse them with cold water. Put your rattan-made outdoor chairs in a dry place and let it dry.

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